Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Last Print Journo: Reportedly 'Making Friends Fast,' Says a Source

I stink at self-promotion.
I suck at hype-happy PR.
And I'm positively wretched at tooting my own French horn -- or whatever horn it is that savvy public-relations folks choose to toot. (This is suddenly sounding vaguely tawdry. Or hallucinogenic.)

Fortunately, I am deft at cutting-and-pasting text when someone else mentions Last Print Journo. And so I point you to the entry below, courtesy of the Inside Out blog by McwFlint -- a perceptive ex-print journo who, apparently and thankfully, has an even keener sense of what my blog conveys than I do.

And as a bonus: Now I don't have to compile some of my early weeks' Tweets -- another task at which I stink, suck and exhibit general wretchedness.

So, with genuine gratitude I say: Here it be...

'Last Print Journo' making friends fast

The Last Print Journalist knows how to tweet. The Last Print Journalist is on Facebook, too, rapidly becoming friends (808) with many journalists, fans of 83 journalism or word-related pages and members of 7 journalism groups.

Mostly, though, the anonymous the Last PrintJourno, is having fun providing "the cheeky timeline that tracks how the glorious print newspaper finally put itself to bed. Forever.

"It is clear that the Last PrintJourno has heard the legends of newsrooms, providing gems like:

5.02.12 From every last newsroom drawer in the land, workers remove all traces of the three most influential men in journalistic history: Jim Beam. Jack Daniels. And Johnnie Walker.

For the rest of McwFlint's crisply written post, here's the link:


Friday, March 19, 2010

I Can Has Newzpaper...

3.19.11: Rupert Murdoch's new online tabloid, I Can Has Newzpaper, exclusively features videos of kitties "reading" the news. In its first month, Newzpaper draws only 320 million uniques.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Birth of a Blog

The year is 2030.
I'm the last print journalist.
This blog will be the cheeky timeline that tracks how the glorious print newspaper finally put itself to bed. Forever.